Design for security, privacy, and trust
Recording from ELLIIT Tech talk 10 January 2023
AI-enabled digitalization of both good and evil intentions challenges how we handle justice, integrity, security, transparency and the division of responsibilities. We give examples of problems and explain principles for how they can be tackled - but also show that we sometimes have to choose what we mean by justice, convenience and security before we move on.
- Christian Gehrmann, professor in computer security
- Elena Pagnin, Assistant professor, Networks and security,
- Ulrika Evertsson, Chief Information Security Officer, LFV
- Johan Wester, Programledare, Host
Spoken language: Swedish or English
Subtitles: Swedish and English
Introduction to the theme Design for security, privacy, and trust
Participants: Fredrik Tufvesson, Johan Wester
Why don't the hackers leave our systems alone, and what can we do about it?
Every leap in the history of technology usually leads to consequential problems. Digitalization opens up fantastic opportunities but unfortunately also for the hackers who do not leave our systems alone. Professor Christian Gehrmann explains the paths to a safer digital future where we plan very carefully before creating a new digital service, where we use the latest protection mechanisms and also have a plan for how problems that nevertheless arise will be handled.
Speaker: Christian Gehrmann, professor in computer security
Enhancing Data Authentication
We live in a digital era where almost everybody owns and uses a couple of digital devices. Every time we send some digital information we take for granted that it will be received precisely as it was sent, but how can we be sure of that? Assistant Professor Elena Pagnin brings us to the world of digital signatures and explains how they can be used to prevent hackers from changing the data we all are sending around.
Speaker: Elena Pagnin, Assistant professor, Networks and security
Conversation about design for security, privacy, and trust
- Christian Gehrmann, professor in computer security
- Elena Pagnin, Assistant professor, Networks and security,
- Ulrika Evertsson, Chief Information Security Officer, LFV
- Johan Wester, Programledare, Host