TinyML, CMSIS-NN and Optimizations for Edge AI
AI Lund lunch seminar 10 March 2021
Title: Tiny ML - an introduction and overview
When: 10 March at 12.00-13.15
Speakers: Felix Johnny Thomasmathibalan and Fredrik Knutsson, ARM in Lund .
Host and moderator: Kalle Åström, AI Lund
Abstract: The talk is centered around performance optimizations for Edge AI applications. We'll begin with identifying bottlenecks in the inference of machine learning models and move on to ways to handle them. A major part of the solution is in the use of a specialized library like CMSIS-NN (Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard - Neural Network), which provides optimization for compute-intensive operators targeting Arm Cortex-M processors. Common optimization methodologies used in CMSIS-NN will also be discussed. We have something for model designers by showing how hyperparameters of operators affect performance and some solutions to handle it.
In the end, Fredrik will give a live demo of CMSIS-NN together with TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers showcasing the benefits of optimization using an Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense board.