Natural and Artificial Cognition – 1, 2, many
Fika-till-Fika workshop 27 October 2022
Fika-to-fika Workshop about research on how aspects of human, animal, or artificial cognition, through communication and other forms of interaction, influence behaviour in the individual, dyadic, or collective context.
When: 27 October 09.30 – 15.30 (CET)
Where: E:A, E-huset, John Ericssons väg 2/Ole Römers väg 3, Lund, Sweden
9.30 Registration, fika & mingle
10.00 Session 1
Kalle Åström, Mathematical Imaging Group, Coordinator AI Lund, Lund University
Neuronal mechanisms underlying the selection of action
Per Petersson, Integrative Neurophysiology, Lund University
From Human Skills to Robot Skills
Volker Krueger, Computer Science and RobotLab LTH, Lund University
Navigational decisions - from insect neural circuits to nanophotonic hardware
Stanley Heinze, Functional zoology, NanoLund, Lunds University
Modelling Cognition in Robot
Christian Balkenius, Cognitive Science, Lund University
Dangerous decisions in mosquitos
Marcus Stensmyr, Animal Physiology, Lund University
12.00 Lunch and mingle
13.15 Session 2
Humanoid robots in social situation
Ingar Brinck, Theoretical Philosophy, Lund University
Language is heard and seen. About speech and gestures
Marianne Gullberg, General Linguistics and Humanities Lab, Lund University
Assessment of mental health with language analysed by AI
Sverker Sikström, Psychology, Lund University
Cognition in musical practice
Creative strategies and instrumental interaction in artistic knowledge building.
Karin Johansson, Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University
Musician and instrument as a cognitive system
Markus Tullberg , Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University via Karin Johansson
On Large-Scale Coordination
Anders Rantzer, Automatic Control, Lund University
CANCELED: Political communication in a polarised digital democracy
Hanna Bäck, Political Science, Lund University
Replaced by online lunch seminar 23 November 2022 - open for registration
15.00 Fika & mingle
15.30 End of workshop
Description of the day
Cognition means sensing, processing, and sharing information, leading up to observable behaviour. Both natural and artificial cognition are extremely relevant topics today: The large-scale automation of society and advent of increasingly complex autonomous (robotic) systems with cognitive capabilities, sometimes called the fourth industrial revolution, will cause comprehensive changes to human society and the lives of individuals.
The changes create challenges and consequences that needs to be understood for individual and collective cognition in the natural and artificial worlds. Taking advantage of the opportunities presented by the new technologies and automation and developing novel and appropriate technology for a sustainable future demands concerted effort and wide investigation of both natural and artificial cognition.
Research about human cognition in the natural world can be used to make robots and AI behave in ways that are familiar and nonintrusive to us. Cognitive modelling and robotic systems can serve as tools to validate theories in natural cognition. Groups of agents -- people, robots, and animals – in novel constellations create behavioural interactions that in turn will influence existing collective behaviour.
Lund University has research with different, yet mutually relevant perspectives, methods, and goals connected to the areas of natural and artificial cognition.
On 27 October the newly appointed profile area, Natural and Artificial Cognition: 1,2, many, invites to a workshop that discusses this research. The workshop will address how aspects of human, animal, or artificial cognition, through communication and other forms of interaction, influence behaviour in the individual, dyadic, or collective context.
Organisation and contact
- Hanna Bäck, Professor, Department of Political Science
- Marie Dacke, Professor, Department of Biology
- Sverker Sikström, Professor, Department of Psychology
- Ingar Brinck, Professor, Theoretical Philosophy
- Kalle Åström, Professor, Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
- emma [dot] boberg [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: NAC%3A%201%2C%202%2C%20many.%2027%20oct%2022%3A%20) (Emma Boberg), AI Lund Communication
- jonas [dot] wisbrant [at] cs [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: NAC%3A%201%2C%202%2C%20many.%2027%20oct%2022%3A%20) (Jonas Wisbrant), AI Lund Communication