Social Science Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence
Recording from extended lunch seminar 8 December 2021
This is event was an AI Lund lunch seminar extended with a round table discussion on what we do with AI and what AI does to us...
You access recordings and handouts below.
Title: Social Science Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence
When: 8 December 2021, 12:15-14:00
- Eden Hörsal, Allhelgona kyrkogata 14, Lund, Sweden.
- Online
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has so far predominantly been studied in the natural- and technical sciences with the aim of developing and improving it for everything from health care to education and warfare. But we have yet to come to terms with the broader question of how we can and should live with AI. For this reason, the roundtable ‘Social Science perspectives on Artificial intelligence’ explores the social, cultural and implications of AI from a number of social scientific vantage points, including sociology, ethics, political science and human geography. In doing so, the roundtable offers alternative ways of studying and interpreting AI that asks not only what AI can do for us but what we do with AI and what AI does to us.
Forward-looking responsibility for AI development
Maria Hedlund, Department of Political Science, Lund university
Rolling out AI through smart city pilots - the role of local government
Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren, Department of Political Science, Lund university
The social power of AI: How algorithmic imaginaries shape humanitarian communication on social media.
Daniel Møller Ølgaard, Department of Political Science, Lund university
Machine Learning, Images and Rural Poverty
Ola Hall, Department of Human Geography, Lund university
13.00 Q&A and Round table discussion
This event is organised by the network SamTech at Lund university. SamTech focus on social sciences questions relating to digitalisation, artificial intelligence, data mining and robotics.